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Free BTC Satoshi, CollectSatoshu

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Total Satoshi Claimed: 43712265

Claim Satoshi! Withdraw (Min 0.0015)

Can I earn from inviting friends?

Yes, you will get up to 15% of each of their claims!
Your referral url:

How much can I get when I claim satoshi?

up to 50,000 satoshi per claim, you can claim every hour!

When can I withdraw?

You can withdraw once you reach 0.0015 on your balance.
Every request is usually processed within a few days.

How does it determine how much satoshi I receive?

When you claim the server generates a random number between 0 and 10,000
You then receive a random amount of satoshi within that range.

Number RolledSatoshi Gained
0 - 50001 - 1000
5001 - 70001001 - 2500
7001 - 90002501 - 5000
9001 - 100005001 - 50000